Friday, July 29, 2011

3 year old dance

Sharing time - it just gets better

That's my girl


Helping Dad

Exploring outside

Ooh candles

That's my boy

Lunchtime fun with Margie

We love birds

Peek a boo

Nana Bomber, Charlie and Nana Caz

Starting to climb

Margie's birthday July 2011


Feeling better after chocolate cake

Climbing tree's at Nana Caz's

Rock a bye baby

Mia's stay at the children's ward

Where's your pants

Pimp my ride

Not bad for a two year old

Where to Charlie

Wiggle Pie

You said this was apple

King of the toy room

Waiting for Postman Pat

Dressing up is fun

Cooking in the kitchen

Charlie and Mia